

The events of the last few years have radically changed both the world of work and the world of education, further sanctioning the value of digital technologies, both as educational tools and as tools for sharing knowledge and networking and social relations. Moreover, digital technology is also capable of supporting and enriching the world of culture and art in all its aspects thanks to its intrinsic capacity to generate new forms of expression, attract creatives, makers, promote alternative ideas and experiences and business opportunities in response to the growing demand for novelty (Green Paper, Unlocking the potential of cultural and creative industries, COM (2010) 183 final).

In this context, it has become increasingly necessary for educational institutions and universities to innovate their approach to education and strengthen the relational network of the student ecosystem. Digital transformation, gamification (EU, 2018 (SRIP) Analyses Europe’s performance dynamics in science, research and innovation and its drivers) and metaverse are just some of the terminologies and themes that are daily brought to the attention of people, professionals, students, entrepreneurs, companies and educational institutions, demonstrating that, in an increasingly human-centred world, This demonstrates that in an increasingly human-centred world, where social relations and digital technologies are powerful tools to support this condition, it is increasingly necessary to create involvement in everyday experiences, including the educational experience, and to exploit the possibilities of the digital world in favour of greater relationality and an increasingly focused and performing network in relation to the world  and the creation of creative and innovative enterprises.

Aims and Objectives 

The overall objective of the project is to increase the innovation capacity of students trained in higher education institutions working in the area of culture and arts, in designing and implementing sustainable enterprises and circular economy by enhancing teaching skills, strengthening digital, green and entrepreneurial skills. To address the challenges linked to the lack of skills in digital methods and their use, the project will therefore develop the curricula and training programmes of higher education institutions in the area of art and culture by adapting them to the target groups on issues aimed at creating new forms of expression and enjoyment of art and culture and translating them into business opportunities. All this in line with the implementation of the European strategic cooperation in the field of education and training, allowing the Higher Education Institutions involved also to increase the quality and relevance of their activities, to develop and strengthen their partner networks, to increase their capacity to operate jointly at transnational level by favouring the internationalisation of activities, exchanging and developing new practices and methods as well as sharing and comparing ideas.